Everything you need to know about your US Virtual Forwarding address
1 05+00:00 5am3+00:0024Ter, 05 Mar 2024 08:24:16 +00002024 05+00:00 2025
From the U.S. to Europe: We’ll Make it Happen
1 05+00:00 5am3+00:0024Ter, 05 Mar 2024 08:24:18 +00002024 05+00:00 2025Everything is so quick these days isn’t it?
We can speak to family across oceans, buy a bed with a click of a button, and get our entire groceries for the week delivered in a couple of hours. But while our daily purchases are transforming our purchasing accessibility in 2022, the process of shipping across international borders is still stuck 1980.
Why does it take 8 weeks to send packages to Canada? Why do my cousins in Toronto get their holiday gifts I sent 2 weeks late? Why is it always so expensive?
PostFromUS aims to solve all your shipping problems one by one, so you don’t have to!
MCA Cross Border Advisors estimates that there are one million US citizens living in Canada,1 so we’ve made shipping to Canada as smooth as an ice hockey rink.
Here’s all you need to know.
So you wanna ship to Canada…
Between businesses wishing to branch into the Canadian merchant market, the hundreds of thousands of people connecting with their loved ones through gift-giving and package sending every year, and expats seeking access to their favorite American products from home, there are many reasons people are forwarding packages across the Great American border.
But even in our well-connected current world, ordering US products from Canada is a lengthy, limited, and often expensive process.
While some e-commerce retailers like Amazon have recently started two-day shipping to Canada on some selected items, many US retail giants such as Kohl’s, Target, JCPenney, US Walmart, Macy’s, and Barnes and Noble still do not provide any shipping option to our Canadian cousins and US expats living in Canada.
PostFromUS makes shopping hassle-free, allowing you to order your much loved US products from multiple stores, consolidate your purchases, and ship them to Canada, saving you up to 80% on shipping costs during the process, while being updated during every stage of our efficient and easy shipping process.
Wanna pay for packaging, without paying the cost of a whole province…
People that have shipped US goods to Canada before are all too familiar with preparing to post a package only to be hit with killer costs.
The sheer amount of geographical area that Canada covers, combined with populations being relatively spaced apart, mean that sometimes US to Canada shipping costs end up costing a moose’s arm and leg.
But in PostFromUS’s reshipping service, our well-organized and centralized process means large shipments are handled together using a streamlined reshipping process. We’re able to smooth out the process and offer you reduced shipping costs for more US goods.
Wanna know what’s out?
As with all countries, items shipped to Canada must comply with Canadian law.
Here’s a list of the major prohibited items that cannot be shipped to Canada from the USA or anywhere else:
- All alcoholic beverages including wines.
- Firearms
- Articles so marked as to create the false impression that they were made in Canada, or the UK
- Commercial tags of metal.
- Gold bullion, gold dust, and non manufactured precious metals.
- Non-refillable lighters or any other lighter that contains fuel.
- Oleomargarine and other butter substitutes, including altered or renovated butter.
- Perishable biological substances.
- Plumage and skins of wild birds.
- Prison-made goods
- Radioactive materials.
- Replica or inert munitions
- Reprints of Canadian or British works copyrighted in Canada.
- Reproductions of Canadian postage stamps
- Shipments bearing caution labels indicating the contents are flammable.
- Used or secondhand hives or bee supplies.
- Vaping liquids containing 66 mg/g or more nicotine by weight.
You can see the complete list, and information such as size limitations and general conditions aqui.
Wanna shop in Target without leaving British Columbia?
Then PostFromUS has you covered. To save money with our unique reshipping service to Canada, or anywhere else in the world, click here now to check out what we do. Happy Shopping!