Items related to drugs that are restricted or banned by US law. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Narcotics Illegal Drugs Drug Paraphernalia Medical Specimens Drug [...]
This category encompasses raw chemicals as well as certain adhesives, pastes, sealants, cosmetics like peroxide, and precursors for chemical weapons. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: [...]
Items originating from farms or gardens, or those used in soil cultivation, planting, crop cultivation, and harvesting of plants, crops, fruits, and vegetables. Examples of prohibited [...]
These are food and foodstuffs with a limited shelf life or requiring refrigeration/freezing to avoid spoilage. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Fruits Vegetables Meat Sausage [...]
Living animals or any parts derived from animals Examples of items that are prohibited from shipping: Live Animals Dead Animals Animal Parts Animal Tissue Animal furs [...]