These are self-balancing scooters, also known as self-balancing boards, which are personal transporters consisting of two motorized wheels connected to a pair of articulated pads on [...]
This category includes devices used in gambling or game of chance activities. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Gambling Devices Poker Chips Slot Machines Roulette Wheels [...]
This refers to nail polish and nail care items that are flammable. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer to confirm [...]
These are items related to guns or other devices designed to inflict damage by launching one or more projectiles at high speed. Examples of prohibited items [...]
These are chemical or organic products intended for use as fertilizers or pesticides. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer to confirm [...]
These are items prone to explosion or combustion. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Class 1 Dangerous Goods Flares Gun Powder Matches Fireworks Flashbangs Smoke Grenades [...]