See What Countries
Support Parcel Forwarding
Services from PostFromUs
Get your parcels where they need to go, almost anywhere in the world, with PostFromUS. Moving away from the US doesn’t mean you have to stop shopping from your favorite brands and stores. Shipping abroad has never been easier. We ship to almost every country or territory around the globe. Simply sign up for free to get a free US address and start shipping your packages. The only thing that would stop us from getting your goodies to you would be local government or shipping restrictions for some countries.
Sometimes, things can’t ship at all, but the list of prohibited items is pretty in our FAQ before forwarding your next parcel.
Please take a look at our lists below to make sure your packages will arrive safely to their destination.
Sometimes, things can’t ship at all, but the list of prohibited items is pretty in our FAQ before forwarding your next parcel.
Please take a look at our lists below to make sure your packages will arrive safely to their destination.
- Isla Ascensión
- Andorra
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
- Afganistán
- Antigua y Barbuda
- Anguila
- Albania
- Armenia
- Angola
- Argentina
- Samoa Americana
- Austria
- Australia
- Aruba
- Islas Åland
- Azerbaiyán
- Bosnia y Herzegovina
- Barbados
- Bangladesh
- Bélgica
- Burkina Faso
- Bulgaria
- Bahréin
- Burundi
- Benín
- Bermudas
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bolivia
- Brasil
- Bahamas
- Bután
- Isla Bouvet
- Botsuana
- Bielorrusia
- Belice
- Canadá
- Islas Cocos (Keeling)
- Congo, RD
- República Centroafricana
- Congo
- Suiza
- Costa de Marfil
- Islas Cook
- Chile
- Camerún
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cabo Verde
- Isla de Navidad
- Chipre
- República Checa
- Alemania
- Yibuti
- Dinamarca
- Dominica
- República Dominicana
- Argelia
- Ecuador
- Estonia
- Egipto
- Sáhara Occidental
- Eritrea
- España
- Etiopía
- Finlandia
- Fiyi
- Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands)
- Micronesia
- Islas Feroe
- Francia
- Gabón
- Reino Unido
- Granada
- Georgia
- Guayana Francesa
- Guernsey
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Groenlandia
- Gambia
- Guinea
- Guadalupe
- Guinea Ecuatorial
- Grecia
- Georgia del Sur y las islas Sandwich del Sur
- Guatemala
- Guam
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Hong Kong
- Islas Heard y McDonald
- Honduras
- Croacia
- Haití
- Hungría
- Indonesia
- Irlanda
- Israel
- Isla de Man
- Camboya
- Kiribati
- Comoras
- San Cristóbal y Nieves
- Corea del Sur
- Kuwait
- Islas Caimán
- Kazajstán
- Lao
- Líbano
- Santa Lucía
- Liechtenstein
- Sri Lanka
- Liberia
- Lesotho
- Lituania
- Luxemburgo
- Letonia
- Libia
- Marruecos
- Mónaco
- Moldavia
- Montenegro
- Madagascar
- Islas Marshall
- Macedonia
- Mali
- Myanmar
- Mongolia
- Macao
- Islas Marianas del Norte
- Martinica
- Mauritania
- Montserrat
- Malta
- Mauricio
- Maldivas
- Malawi
- México
- Malasia
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Nueva Caledonia
- Níger
- Isla de Norfolk
- Nigeria
- Nicaragua
- Países Bajos
- Noruega
- Nepal
- Nauru
- Niue
- Nueva Zelanda
- Omán
- Panamá
- Perú
- Polinesia Francesa
- Papúa Nueva Guinea
- Filipinas
- Pakistán
- Polonia
- San Pedro y Miquelón
- Pitcairn
- Puerto Rico
- Territorio Palestino
- Portugal
- Palau
- Paraguay
- Qatar
- Reunión
- Rumanía
- Serbia
- Rusia
- Ruanda
- Arabia Saudí
- Islas Salomón
- Seychelles
- Suecia
- Singapur
- Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán da Cunha
- Eslovenia
- Svalbard y Jan Mayen
- Eslovaquia
- Sierra Leona
- San Marino
- Senegal
- Somalia
- Surinam
- Santo Tomé y Príncipe
- El Salvador
- Suazilandia
- Tristan da Cunha
- Islas Turcas y Caicos
- Chad
- Territorios Australes Franceses
- Togo
- Tailandia
- Tayikistán
- Tokelau
- Timor Oriental
- Turkmenistán
- Túnez
- Tonga
- Turquía
- Trinidad y Tobago
- Tuvalu
- Taiwán
- Tanzania
- Ucrania
- Uganda
- Islas periféricas menores de Estados Unidos
- Estados Unidos
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistán
- Ciudad del Vaticano
- San Vicente y las Granadinas
- Venezuela
- Islas Vírgenes Británicas
- Islas Vírgenes, EE.UU.
- Vietnam
- Vanuatu
- Wallis y Futuna
- Samoa
- Kosovo
- Mayotte
- Sudáfrica
- Zambia
- Zimbabue
Countries PostFromUs Support with Parcel Forwarding Services
This list features countries that may have government or shipping restrictions. Some of your parcel forwarding requests may require additional information or steps in the forwarding process. Our shipping professionals will be in contact with you in case any issues arise.
PostFromUS Can Not Ship Here
At the current time, PostFromUS can not ship to these countries or regions. Please contact us if you have any questions.
- Antártida
- Saint Barthélemy
- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- Cuba (Primary Licensing Authority - BIS)
- Curaçao
- Iran (Primary Licensing Authority - OFAC)
- North Korea (Primary Licensing Authority - BIS)
- San Martín
- Sudan (Primary Licensing Authority - OFAC)
- South Sudan
- San Martín
- Syria (Primary Licensing Authority - BIS)
- Crimea
- Yemen