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These are items emitting or related to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles. They are typically marked with a radioactive placard. Examples of prohibited items [...]
These are products packaged in containers using pressurized gas. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Fire Extinguishers Compressed Gas Gas cartridges Helium Propane Car Shock Absorbers
These are pharmaceutical drugs that legally require a medical prescription from a doctor to be dispensed. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Prescription Drugs Viagra Steroids
This refers to printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Books Magazines [...]
This category includes printed, audio, or visual material relating to the government or the public affairs of a country. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Books [...]
This refers to substances capable of causing illness or death when introduced or absorbed by a living organism. Examples of prohibited items for shipping: Class 6.1 [...]
Live plants refer to young trees, vines, shrubs, or herbs planted or suitable for planting. Dead or dried plants are also included. Examples of prohibited items [...]
These are perfumes, colognes, and fragrant/aromatic liquids typically made from essential oils or extracts from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell. Examples of [...]